Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Mohammedanism (Islam), and Judaism. The ideologies of
humanism and communism have also been identified as
religions, as well as the individualism of “The American
religion.” 21 The tenets of Christianity can also be
incorporated into a religion of “Christianism,” 22 or the
“Christian religion” as we are referring to this phenomenon
within this study.
Christianity cannot legitimately be compared to any of
these religions, however. Religion and Christianity are as
different as night and day, death and life, fiction and truth.
To attempt to include Christianity in a course on
“comparative world religions” is to compare that which
cannot be compared, like comparing apples with oranges.
Christianity is unique. It is one of a kind. It is the singular
reality of God’s activity to restore mankind from their
fallen condition through His Son, Jesus Christ. Christianity
is not the propagation of a philosophy. It is not the
performance of religious procedures. It is not the
perpetuation of an organizational program. Christianity is
the reception of a Person, Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
God Himself, into one’s being and behavior.
In all of the world’s religions, you can take away the
founder and still have the religion. You can take Buddha

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