Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

out of Buddhism and still have the Four Noble Truths and
the Eight-fold Path. You can take Mohammed out of Islam,
and still have the Five Pillars of Action and the Six Articles
of Belief. And yes, tragically, you can take Christ out of
that misnomer of “Christian religion,” and still have the
doctrines and the programs and the organizational
machinery that masquerade as the “church.” Liberal
theologians within the “Christian religion” have indicated
that it does not matter whether there was ever an “historical
Jesus,” as long as the “religion” benefits a person
psychologically and ethically. On such a premise of
subjective religious impact being the existential essence of
the “Christian religion,” they go about “demythologizing”
the New Testament scriptures to reduce them to
psychological and ethical tenets.
The hypothetical question might be asked, “If God
could and would die tonight, what would happen to the
‘Christian religion’ tomorrow?” The answer is “Nothing!”
The “Christian religion” would keep right on functioning,
because Jesus Christ, as God, is not the essence and the
dynamic of what they are doing anyway! If God were to die
tonight, it would be “business as usual” for religion

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