Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Second Corinthians, Paul carefully differentiates between
gospel ministry by the grace of God and the manipulations
of religious method being evidenced by the intrusive
pretenders. Writing to the Galatians, Paul pits the gospel
versus religion, forcefully denying that there is “another
gospel” as inculcated by legalistic religion. In contrast to
religious exclusivism, Paul explains to the Ephesians that
all men become a new humanity in Jesus Christ. Combating
the effects of the regional religionism of Asia, Paul wrote
to the Colossians emphasizing the pre-eminence of Jesus
Christ, who is our life. In all of Paul’s epistles the theme of
Christianity as distinct from and confronting religion is to
be found.
The writer of the epistle to the Hebrews likewise
explains how the old and new covenants of God are to be
differentiated, and the old tenets of Judaic religion are
replaced by the life of Jesus Christ. The epistle of James
indicates that merely going through the rituals of religion is
vain, but Christian faith is the outworking of the life of
Jesus Christ.
The Revelation of Christ as witnessed by John is indeed
the climax of the new covenant literature. In pictorial form
Jesus reveals that religion will continually attempt to

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