Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

overcome and secularize Christianity as it was doing in the
seven churches of Asia. Jesus is the victor over religion 25 ,
though, and will overcome all the onslaughts of conflict
that will inevitably come between Christianity and religion.
Throughout the entirety of the New Testament there is a
continuous explanation of the difference between
Christianity and religion. Why has this not been made more
apparent to Christians in order that they might be more
discerning and cease to equate the two? Dare we explain
that the interpretation of the new covenant scriptures has
been done primarily by commentators and theologians who
are thoroughly inundated in “Christian religion?” Religious
interpreters whose very livelihood is on the line would be
hesitant to expose their own religious methods, even if they
had the spiritual discernment to recognize that such
religious practices were being exposed in the scriptures.
We have witnessed a tragic history of misinterpretation of
the Bible throughout the history of “Christian religion.”

Evangelism and “religion”

The history of such misinterpretation also serves to
explain why the gospel has been received so slowly
throughout the world in the last two thousand years.

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