Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

“Christian religion” could only offer their brand of religion
that “tied” people to a belief-system and “bound” them to
moralistic rules and regulations in “attachment” to the
ecclesiastical institution.
Jesus and the early church, on the other hand,
proclaimed the gospel by contrasting the grace of God in
Jesus Christ with the premises and methodology of
religion. They exposed the self-serving practices of religion
by manifesting and explaining God’s desire to restore all
men in Jesus Christ. They confronted the selfish inequities
of religion with the love of God in Christ.
Does it not seem self-evident that the ineffectual efforts
of evangelism engaged in by “Christian religion” through
these many centuries are a result of proclaiming a belief-
system to be assented to and advocating a morality to be
adhered to, rather than offering the life of Jesus Christ to be
received by faith? “Christian religion” usurped the message
of Christianity, complete with all the abominable methods
that are indicative of all religion, which are antithetical to
God’s functional intent in Jesus Christ.
“Christian religion” has become so thoroughly
religionized that it is unable to perceive the contrast
between Christianity and religion. They engage in the

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