Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

codification of behavior to conform to, or a sociological
institution to join and be involved in, Christians will allow
the living Lord Jesus to “re-present” Himself to His created
human beings through them, contrasting what He came to
bring in Himself with all religious method as He did during
His personal and historical incarnational ministry here on

The abuse of humanity in “religion”

In his Provincial Letters, Blaise Pascal charges the
Jesuits with “sporting with religion, in order to gratify the
worst passions of man.” 26 It is inherent within the
methodology of all man-made religion to offer a counterfeit
fulfillment to the needs of mankind. Religion sets itself up
in a self-deified position to extend a false-fulfillment of
man’s God-given desires with a “religious” solution. When
the basic God-given needs of man are offered false-
fulfillment in religious counterfeit, humanity is being used
and abused.
Here are some examples of God-given desires being
falsely fulfilled by religion. The God-given desire to be
loved is offered a cheap imitation of “a thing called love,”
wherein one might develop a degree of intimacy with

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