Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

desire to possess is titillated by the “health and wealth”
gospel that falsely asserts that “God wants you rich.” The
need to give is a favorite target of religion as they urge
people to contribute by tithing ten-percent of their income.
Religion promises to fulfill the need for destiny by
providing the correct techniques, procedures and formulas
whereby a person will be guaranteed a place in heaven.
These religious counterfeits are nothing less that an
abuse of humanity. Instead of leading mankind out of the
addictive false-fulfillment of their God-given desires,
religion offers nothing but another form of addictive
dysfunction. Religion is co-dependent to the sins of the
people. Religion is an aider and abettor to the sinful
dysfunction of humanity, enabling and encouraging
mankind to seek their solutions and their “salvation” in
religion rather than in Jesus Christ.

The satanic source of “religion”

Religion is the devil’s playground. The diabolic efforts
to inhibit and impede the gospel have been ever so subtle,
as they turned Christianity into the “Christian religion,”
continuing to use the same vocabulary, and using the very
inspired scriptures that were designed to be the written

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