Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Christianity that takes place in religion will of necessity be
identified with the activity of the Evil One.
Norman Olson explains that

“Satan uses religion and the idea of ‘doing good’ to make
people blind to the fact that these have no saving value whatever,
to say nothing of spirituality.
“Any system of religion is satanic in nature, no matter how
beautiful the package might appear to be. Satan is the author of ‘do
“Religion is often portrayed by the devil as a mass solution to
man’s problem. If he can get everyone into some religion, he
knows that he can keep people in some false hope, in some
anesthetic, and prevent them from seeing their real need. Nothing
that Satan has ever devised has been as successful as religion in
blinding men’s minds to the truth.” 31

In like manner, Dave Hunt has written that,

“Satan’s primary tactic in opposing God is not to foster
atheism, but religion. A perverted ‘Christianity’ is Satan’s ultimate
weapon.” 32

If we are to understand religion correctly we must
recognize its satanic source and the spiritual conflict that is
taking place between God and Satan in Christianity and

The sociological attachment of “religion”

It might be pointed out that mankind has a natural
tendency to develop religious practices, and that every
known civilization of man has engaged in some form of

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