Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

abusing people as previously noted. Religion is, on the
contrary, the most subtle and insidious feature of the
diabolically inspired world of natural men, and as such it is
the most abominable and damnable.
There is nothing “good” about religion. Religion
relativizes the goodness that is derived from God alone.
Religion engages in the relativistic goodness of the “good
and evil” game that has been played by natural man ever
since man fell by partaking of “the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil” (Gen. 3).

The world’s view of “religion”

Many of those who call themselves “Christians” have
been unable to differentiate between Christianity and
religion. As they participate in the counterfeit of “Christian
religion,” they mistakenly think it is Christianity, and are
blinded in the belief that religion is an admirable pursuit.
On the other hand, there are many who are not
Christians who view the activities of the “Christian
religion,” and who likewise fail to differentiate between
religion and Christianity. They in turn reject Christianity,
believing it to be equivalent to the “Christian religion” they
have observed.

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