Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Many abominable activities have taken place under the
guise of “Christian religion.” Man-made religion always
seeks power and will revert to militaristic warfare to
achieve that power. The history of religion, including
“Christian religion,” is but a succession of religious wars
wherein religionists slaughter one another under the flag of
“religion,” usually with political overtones. The Crusades
of the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth centuries are but one
historical example among many.
Religious bigotry has been evident in every century as
religious leaders engage in racial, national, sexual,
ideological and denominational exclusion, ostracism and
persecution. There are always the religious attempts to
purge those who disagree, and to punish those who do not
conform to legislated morality. The period of the
Inquisition is a sad example in the history of “Christian
People of the world observe the big religious
organizations with their huge ecclesiastic superstructures.
They are often rich, powerful, tax-evading, and political in
nature. They observe the religious fanatics who try to
justify any activity from bombing an abortion clinic to
murdering a doctor who works therein. Any means seems

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