Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

to be justifiable if it achieves their religiously deified end-
cause. They observe the seemingly endless and
meaningless religious activities of church services,
ceremonies and programs that seem to be just “pomp and
Is it any wonder that many of the people of the world
speak derisively of religion? They have read their history
books and have heard of the atrocities perpetrated in the
name of “religion.” They hear of the vast gold reserves and
corporate holdings of religious conglomerates gained
through tax-exemptions and unfair advantage. They can see
the exploitation of the populace through superstition and
fear. They see through the ecclesiastic politicizing and
cultural manipulation. They see the people going through
their meaningless motions of religious ritual to try to
appease God. Often they have come to the conclusion that
they do not want anything to do with “religion,” and I, for
one, do not blame them! The world has a right, even an
intellectual obligation, to reject the religious folderol that is
so prevalent, and to demand reality.
Was Marx correct in his conclusion that “religion is the
opiate of the people”?

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