Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

perishable object. It is unlike other books in that it
witnesses to and enscripturates the revelation of God, and is
the only book in the world where you have to know the
Author to understand the book.
God never intended that we should worship the Book.
That is bibliolatry – making the Bible into a physical idol.
The reverence that many Christians attach to the book is
dangerously close to idolatry of the Bible.
Christianity is not the religion of the Book. Christianity
is Christ! Christianity is the dynamic, personal Spirit of
God functioning in man. It is not the study of,
memorization of, or adherence to the principles and
propositions and precepts of a bound-book.
Do you see the distinction I am trying to make? I am
attempting to exalt Jesus Christ over the Bible. Frankly,
that is a dangerous thing to do these days in contemporary
Christian circles, for you begin to smash people's idols.

Unbiblical Understandings of the Bible

Driving through Vista, California, I observed this
statement on the marquee of a church building called
Calvary Chapel: "The traditions of men cannot save –
Trust in the Bible." What kind of salvation can be effected

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