Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Only God is absolutely comprehensive. The attributes of
God are non-transferrable and we cannot attribute an
attribute of God to a book. What God is, only God is!

"its (the Bible's) truthfulness produces a comprehensive
righteousness in those who accept it." 6

The Bible does not produce righteousness. Righteousness is
only produced in the behavior of mankind when the
Righteous One, Jesus Christ (I John 2:1) dwells in man and
the Righteous character of God is expressed in man's
behavior as we walk by faith.

"There is no substitute for submission to Scripture." 7

James admonishes us to "submit to God" (James 4:7), but
we are never admonished to submit to scripture.

"trust in the inexhaustible sufficiency of our Lord's perfect Word
(Bible)." 8

Our sufficiency is of God (II Corinthians 3:5) from whom
we have "all sufficiency in everything" (II Corinthians 9:8).
We are to trust in His sufficiency, not that of a book.

"If we obey it (the Bible), we will be blessed in whatever we do." 9

Christian obedience is obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ (I
Peter 1:2), not obedience to a book. Nowhere in scripture is

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