Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Jesus Christ carefully explained to the disciples that He was
going to go away and would send the Holy Spirit who
would "convict the world concerning sin, and
righteousness, and judgment" (John 16:8). The Holy Spirit
"convicts of sin," not the Bible itself.

"Scripture itself is...adequate for evangelism" 13

MacArthur implies this by referring to "liberalism's legacy"
that "Scripture itself is inadequate for evangelism.." Jesus
said that He would "draw all men to Himself" (John 12:32).
How then can scripture "itself" be adequate for

"He (Jesus) knew the saving power of God's Word (Bible)." 14
"Paul was certain that God's Word (Bible) itself was sufficient to
provoke true saving faith in the hardest unbeliever's hearts." 15
"God's Word (Bible) is the seed that produces salvation." 16
"If you're not a need the Word (Bible) for
salvation." 17
"Scripture imparts salvation." 18

How can any Christian with any degree of knowledge of
the scriptures make such statements? God's saving power is
in His Son, Jesus Christ, not in the Bible. The Bible "itself"
is not sufficient to provoke saving faith; God alone

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