Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

power, God's divine power, but how can a written volume
of a book have "force" or divine power? There are not two
pillars on which Christianity stands. Christianity IS Christ!
Christianity is the dynamic of Christ's life functioning in
His people; not some "thing" that stands on two pillars.
Such an assertion as Lightner makes is tantamount to
making the equation that "Christianity = Christ + Bible."
That is an abominable falsehood. Throughout Paul's
writings, and particularly in Galatians and Colossians, Paul
indicates that the Christian gospel is Jesus Christ alone;
"Christianity = Christ + (nothing)."

"These two (Written Word and Living Word) are inseparable from
each other and from biblical Christianity." 21

To state that Jesus Christ and the Bible are "inseparable" is
to equate the book with Jesus Christ. Only Jesus Christ is
"inseparable" from Christianity, for Christianity IS Christ.

"The Written Word of God and the living Son of God...both
unquestionably constitute divine revelation from Him." 22
"God's Written Word...reveals the person and work of God while at
the same time it is His own divine revelation." 23

Jesus Christ alone, as the living Word of God, reveals the
Father. Jesus said, "No one knows the Father, except the
Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him

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