Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

(Matthew 11:27). Only God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit
can reveal Himself. It is a personal revelation, not an
impersonal revelation. The book called the Bible does not
"constitute" divine revelation. God constitutes the
revelation of Himself.

"Both Words (Living and Written) claim the same authority." 24
"The Written Word is as eternal as God and therefore as
authoritative as God Himself." 25

To thus equate the Living Word, Jesus, with the written
scriptures is to deify the book. The attributes of God cannot
be attributed to created matter. Divine attributes such as
eternality and authority must not be attributed to the Bible
as Lightner has done.

"The authority which He (Jesus Christ) claimed for Himself and
the authority which He claimed for the Scriptures is identical." 26

Jesus does not claim authority for scripture identical to His
own authority. Jesus claimed exclusive authority when He
said, "All authority is given to Me in heaven and on earth"
(Matthew 38:18).

" receive one (Written Word or Living Word) is to receive
both." 27
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