Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Fundamentalist authors such as MacArthur and
Lightner have assumed fallacious presuppositions of
thought. They make invalid equations of numerous ideas
and words with the Bible: "word" (whether logos or rhema)
= Bible; "law" = Bible; "commandment" = Bible;
"ordinance" = Bible; "teaching" = Bible; "doctrine"= Bible;
"authority" = Bible; "revelation" = Bible; "truth" = Bible;
"precept" = Bible; "testimony" = Bible; "preaching" =
Bible; "gospel" = Bible; "Holy Spirit" = Bible; "Christ" =
Bible. These authors read through the scriptures, and
whenever they find these words or concepts they
eisegetically presuppose that it is referring to the Bible.
These authors often equate the action of God the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit with the Bible. Attributes of the
Godhead are transferred to the Bible. Attributes such as
eternality, absoluteness, authority, power, sufficiency for
living, truth, life, wisdom, righteousness, holiness, faith,
salvation, exaltation and inerrancy are all attributed to the
scriptures. To do so is to deify the Bible. To thus elevate
the scriptures is to engage in the superstitious mysticism of
bibliolatry. To attribute to a book, to attribute to any
"thing" or anyone, what is only attributable to God is to
engage in idolatry. God's attributes are essential, exclusive

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