Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

God in Jesus Christ in order to spiritually understand the
written word expression of God in the Bible.
As Christians today, coming as many of us do out of a
Protestant tradition of biblicism, it is important that we
keep our perspective properly focused on the Person of
Jesus Christ, not just on Bible-learning. Jesus Christ is the
Truth, not mere propositional truths contained in ever-
evolving semantics.
Our faith is not in the Bible. Our hope is not in the
Bible. Our love is not love for the Bible. Our faith, hope
and love are in Jesus Christ.
Our base of authority is not in the Bible, as has often
been projected by popular Protestantism, the "religion of
the Book." Our base of authority is in Jesus Christ, who
said, "All authority is given to Me, in heaven and upon
earth" (Matthew 28:18).
Our security is not in the Bible. Many seem to base
their security on Bible promises and propositions, on Bible
formulas, procedures and techniques. Our security is
founded on a vital, dynamic on-going personal relationship
with the Living Lord Jesus Christ. I am assured and secure
in the reality that God is expressive in my life by Jesus
Christ. I know it, not because the Bible makes a statement

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