Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

playwright as an observation about social associations. Not
one of these indicates that Christianity has anything to do
with morality or ethics.
One other reference in the New Testament where some
English translations use the word "moral" should be noted.
In II Peter 1:5 the NASB translates, " your faith supply
moral excellence, and in your moral excellence
knowledge." A single Greek word is used for the phrase
"moral excellence." The Greek word is arete, having to do
with virtuous or honorable behavioral expression. The
meaning might be an admonition to allow for a consistent
behavioral outworking of our faith, but the verse does not
advocate morality or ethics as the words are defined and
used in the English language today.
"Morality" and "ethics" have to do with human
definition and evaluation of human activities, and whether
such activities are socially acceptable or unacceptable,
approved or unapproved, as right or wrong, good or bad,
relative to the intentions and desires of the prevailing
human powers and authorities. Although the standard of
"moral" determination and "ethical" evaluation may be said
to be of God, it is never really any higher than man and his
individual or collective attempts to control human behavior.

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