Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

(2) God has revealed Himself, and has thus revealed
His character of goodness. "He has told you, O man, what
is good" (Micah 6:8). God's telling man what is good is not
to be construed merely as a verbalization of a revealed
standard of good behavior. God has revealed His goodness
in the ultimate revelation of Himself in His Son, Jesus
Christ, and that not to be understood as merely historical or
theological explanation. We can only really know what
good is by knowing God through Jesus Christ. But, again,
knowing God and His goodness is not just cerebral,
theoretical or academic; such must be living and personal.
The revealing of God's goodness and the knowing of God's
goodness are not statically contained in an event
(incarnation) or an experience (conversion). The knowing
of God's goodness is not to be solidified, objectified, or
codified in law-form (Law) or in a static written record
(Bible), nor formulated and systematized in a static belief-
system that becomes "dead letter" (II Cor. 3:6,7; Rom.
2:29). The revealing and the knowing of God's goodness is
by an ever-dynamic personal revelation of God as to how
He desires to express His goodness in us uniquely and
novelly; a new, fresh, spontaneous and living expression of

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