Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

His goodness which can never be contained or explained.
God's goodness is knowable only as He reveals Himself.
(3) God's goodness is do-able, expressable in human
behavior, only as the character of God is dynamically
generated and actuated by God's grace. Only God can
actively express His goodness. It is not a commodity to be
distributed. It is not a moral pattern to be imitated. God's
goodness can be expressed within His creation in human
behavior, only by His own energizing, empowering and
enabling, i.e. His grace. The active expression of all
genuine goodness in our behavior is always derived from
God. "The one who does good is of God" (III John 11); "of
God" is translated from the Greek phrase ek theos, referring
to source, origin or derivation from God. In other words,
"the one who manifests goodness derives what he does out
of God." The expression of goodness in human behavior is
always contingent upon God's generating expression of His
own character (grace), and the derivative receptivity of
God's activity by man (faith). "Good" is do-able only as the
character of God is activated in human behavior by the
grace of God.
We return now to further document the first premise
that "God is good," and that God is the basis of defining all

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