The English Language english language

(Michael S) #1

  • 1 Introduction to the Linguistic Study of Language                 Contents

    • key concepts

    • who these books are for

    • how to use these books

    • what these books are about

    • communication.

    • language

    • discourse.

    • text

    • genre

    • ideology.

    • language in education.

    • thinking critically about language.

    • standard english

    • grammar.

    • other reasons for studying and teaching about language.

    • the organization of these books

    • hints for success

    • references and resources

    • glossary.

  • 2 Conceptions of Language and Grammar                       

    • the study of language.

    • the roles of the english teacher.

    • what is a language?.

    • competence and performance.

    • approaches to the study of language

    • references and resources

    • glossary.

  • 3 A Skeletal Introduction to English Grammar                    

    • introduction

    • clauses.

    • sentences.

    • phrases.

    • complementation and modification.

    • words.

    • morphemes.

    • parts of speech

    • regular and irregular forms viii

    • grammatical categories.

    • sounds and spelling.

    • form, function, and meaning

    • references and resources

    • glossary.

  • 4 Phonetics and Phonology                                   

    • introduction

    • articulatory phonetics

    • consonants

    • vowels

    • syllables and feet.

    • phonology.

    • phonemes.

    • allophones

    • phonological rules

    • references and resources

    • glossary.

  • 5 Morphology and Word Formation                           

    • introduction

    • words and morphemes

    • morphemes, allomorphs, and morphs.

    • words.

    • registers and words.

    • the internal structure of complex words

    • classifying words by their morphological properties.

    • references and resources

    • glossary.

    • appendix a: some english derivational morphemes

  • 6 The Major Parts of Speech                                  

    • introduction

    • the major parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs

    • references and resources

    • glossary.

    • Appendix to major parts of speech

    • references and resources for appendix.

  • 7 The Minor Parts of Speech                                 

    • introduction

    • pronouns. ix

    • articles

    • auxiliary verbs.

    • prepositions.

    • intensifiers

    • conjunctions

    • references and resources

    • glossary.

  • 8 Word Meaning                                           

    • introduction

    • dictionary entries

    • mental dictionaries

    • concluding remarks.

    • references and resources

    • glossary.

  • 9 Phrases                                                 

    • introduction

    • what is a phrase?.

    • modification and complementation.

    • the adverb phrase (advp)

    • the prepositional phrase (pp)

    • the adjective phrase (ap).

    • the noun phrase (np)

    • the verb phrase (vp)

    • references and resources

    • glossary.

  • 10 Basic Clause Patterns                                      

    • introduction

    • elements of the clause

    • subjects

    • semantic roles.

    • auxiliary verbs.

    • tense and aspect.

    • basic clause patterns

    • references and resources

    • glossary�������������������������������������������������������

    • appendix: time and tense

    • references and resources for appendix���������������������������

  • 11 Modifications of Basic Clause Patterns                         x

    • introduction

    • movement.

    • assignment of semantic roles

    • deletion.

    • insertion

    • passive.

    • references and resources

    • glossary.

  • 12 Multi-Clause Sentences                                    

    • introduction

    • multi-clause sentences

    • recursion.

    • complex sentences

    • finite vs. non-finite clauses

    • coordination

    • miscellaneous information-restructuring sentence types.

    • concluding remarks.

    • references and resources

    • glossary.

  • Index                                                      

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