The English Language english language

(Michael S) #1
Word Meaning

Oxford University Press.
Morris, William and Mary Morris. (eds). 1985. Harper Dictionary of
Contemporary Usage. 2 nd ed. New York: Harper Perennial
Random House Webster’s English Learner’s Dictionary. 1999. New York: Random
Room, A. 1981. Dictionary of Distinguishables. Boston, MA: Routledge and
Kegan Paul.
Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, 2nd College Edition.

  1. New York: Simon and Schuster.
    Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary Unabridged. 1983. 2nd ed. New
    York: Simon and Schuster.
    Wierzbicka, Anna. 1992. Semantics, Culture, and Cognition: Universal Human
    Concepts in Culture-Specific Configurations. Oxford, UK: Oxford University
    Zimmer, Karl. 2008. What is a species? Scientific American Vol. 298, No. 6:
    June 2008 pp. 72-79.


accommodation: adjusting our linguistic expectations and practices to spe-
cific circumstances.
antonyms: words representing opposing values on some dimension. See com-
plementary antonyms, conversive antonyms, gradable antonyms, non-
gradable antonyms, reversive antonyms.
co-hyponym: See coordinates.
combined entry: a dictionary entry that includes all the parts of speech to
which the entry word belongs.
complementary antonyms: pairs of words such that if one applies the other
cannot, e.g., alive/dead.
componential model (C-model): model of lexical meaning that assumes that
word meanings are complex and can be viewed as composed of smaller units
of meaning called semantic components, semantic feature, and sememe.
concordancer: computer program for doing linguistic analysis on a corpus.
connotations: aspects of the meanings of words that indicate the speaker’s/
writer’s attitude toward the word’s referent(s).
conversive antonyms: words that represent a situation from different points
of view, e.g., if X is Y’s husband then Y is X’s wife.
coordinates: expressions that have a common hyponym, e.g., phonebook and
textbook are coordinates of book.
corpus/ora: computerized collections of texts designed to allow computer-
ized linguistic analysis. See concordancer.

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