Posing Techniques for Glamour Photography

(sharon) #1
some space and privacy. Once the model has finished, I’ll look over her se-
lections and discuss them, along with the poses and clothes of the models
in the photos she chose. I’ll even give her some feedback on which poses
will probably work best for her and then we’ll use these selections as a
starting point for her shoot. Nine times out of ten, you’ll find these are not
only great starting poses, they also gives the model a goal to strive for.

Art Direction.

On occasion, especially with a commercial assignment, you’ll have an art
director on the set helping pose the model for you. Most art directors
come with prepared sketches of the ideas they want. The good ones will

Playboy model Ashly rests comfortably
while in the Virgin Islands. This image
came as an afterthought from an earlier
glamour session. Notice how her legs
form downward diagonals from the win-
dow, which provides inward direction
due to the path of the filtered light.
The light adds impact to the pose as it
skips across the model’s legs, abdomen,
breasts, neck, and face. The posing di-
rection of the face adds mood to the
already erotic atmosphere. (Camera:
Canon 5D;Lens:Canon 85mm f/1.2L,
USM lens, effective focal length at
85mm;ISO:100;Shutter speed:^1 / 2500
second;Aperture:f/1.6;White balance:

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