Posing Techniques for Glamour Photography

(sharon) #1


his chapter is a series of road maps you can use to achieve some
fundamental poses: the headshot, the bust-up pose, the three-quar-
ter pose, the full-length pose, the backside pose, and the classic page-three
pose. We’ll also look at poses for implied nude images, a popular category
in glamour photography. Use these helpful pages as starting guides, and
remember: not every pose works for every model. Enjoy!

The Headshot.

The headshot for a glamour model should be glamorous, tack-sharp, and,
most importantly, place heavy emphasis on the eyes and lips. It should fea-
ture that perfect smile in which the corners of the eyes are in harmony

9. How Do I Get That Pose?..

Having Tess place her hand over her eye
in a modified salute form added some
flavor to this image, so it’s not just a
plain headshot. Notice also how her
blonde hair contrasts with the darker
background. (Camera:Canon 5D;Lens:
Canon 85mm f/1.2L, USM lens, effective
focal length 85mm;ISO:100;Shutter
speed:^1 / 1250 second;Aperture:f/1.2;
White balance:6000K)
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