Posing Techniques for Glamour Photography

(sharon) #1

diffuse the tan lines or totally eliminate them—although this can be time
Discolored or Crooked Teeth.Everyone likes white, straight teeth,
but most of us hate sitting in that dentist’s chair. As a result, most subjects
(and even some models) don’t have perfect teeth. If you notice a
model with bad teeth, focus on facial poses that have a more
closed-mouth appearance, but don’t avoid grins or slightly parted
lip poses. Don’t crush the model’s self-esteem by telling her that
her teeth are bad.
Thin or Uneven Lips.Normally, a model either has a great
set of lips or one that is thinner than the other (with most models,
it’s the top lip that appears thinner). When posing a model with a thin
upper lip, have her slightly tilt her head up (again, watching for the nos-
trils). This angle, combined with a lower camera angle, will thicken the top
lip. An even simpler solution is to have a great makeup artist thicken those
lips with lipstick and lip pencils. They are the experts, and that’s what you
pay for.
Dark or Small Eyes.If your model has dark eyes, black or brown, try
to liven them up by placing that catchlight on the iris and not in the whites
of the eyes. Also, using bigger light sources (or moving your main light
closer to the subject) will help create a great catchlight and bring dark eyes
to life. Makeup is critical here too. Avoid dark and heavy makeup around
the eyes; it will only make the eyes look smaller and darker.
Round or Square Faces.Addressing this problem is a bit more com-
plicated, as it often involves creating lighting and posing to work in har-
mony with each other. Try not to shoot round or square faces straight on.
If the required pose is straight-on, opt for dramatic Rembrandt lighting to
obscure some of the roundness with shadows, giving the face a narrower
look. You can also try adding on accessories, like hats or hair styling to
slim the look of the face. You can also utilize the hands, perhaps with
gloves on, to break up the round or square lines formed by these types of

Don’t crush the model’s
self-esteemby telling her
that her teeth are bad.


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