Posing Techniques for Glamour Photography

(sharon) #1
Framing Tess to camera left allowed her
to place one leg out; this is considered
the accent leg. The other leg was bent to
create the perception of a supporting
leg, even though the model was sitting
on a concrete ledge (which does double
duty as a seat and a leading line that
brings the viewer toward the model). Her
left hand played with her sunglasses to
give the image action, while her right
hand was placed in a relaxed position to
signify she was comfortable in this posi-
tion. Using a fast shutter speed allowed
me to use wide-open aperture, adding
mood to the image, accentuating the
pose, and making distracting back-
ground elements fade away. (Camera:
Canon 5D;Lens:Canon 85mm f/1.2L,
USM lens, effective focal length 85mm;
ISO:100;Shutter speed:^1 / 1250 second;
Aperture: f/1.2; Lighting: natural;
White balance:6000K)


and more outward in position to the back leg. Normally you’d never pose
a model with both legs straight and locked in a vertical form.
As an example, in a standing pose, the back leg should appear slightly
straight while the other leg has a nice accenting bend in the direction of
the pose (see page 88 for more on the direction of the pose). The legs
should typically not be side by side (i.e.,posed identically), and neither

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