Teaching Critical Thinking in Psychology: A Handbook of Best Practices

(ff) #1


The Challenge of Assessing Critical Thinking

Information Literacy Exceeds Meets Fails

Identifies acceptable types of source material

Conducts appropriate search strategy

Uses criteria to determine fitness of source material

Generates sufficient breadth in selected resources

Evaluates overall quality of support material

Appendix 2

Up to Speed Worksheet Name____

#1: Research Methods Value: 5 = solid preparation

10 of 12 counted for max of 50 pts 3 = fair preparation

1/6 of course points 1 = minimal preparation

Show & Tell: Find an example in the popular press or advertising industry where there is a

problematic cause–effect claim. How would you use experimental design to support or

disconfirm that claim?

Your question from chapter:

Talking points from chapter:

Appendix 3

Honors Introductory Psychology Presenter__

Presentation Criteria Topic_____


Each of the criteria below should be worth a maximum of 5 points. Use the following scale

to make your judgment about quality achieved in each criterion:

5 = excellence 2 = serious difficulty

4 = minor difficulty 1 = minimal effort/achievement

3 = moderate difficulty 0 = no achievement

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