
(Steven Felgate) #1
Visit the Essentials of Business Law, third edition, mylawchamber site at
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resources below which you can personalise with your own notes.
nMultiple choice questions, flashcardsand practice exam questionsto test yourself on
each topic throughout the course.
nUpdatesto major changes in the law to make sure you are ahead of the game by
knowing the latest developments.
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Case Navigator

Worried about getting to grips with cases?
This unique online support helps you to improve your case reading and analysis skills.
nDirect deep links to the core cases in business law.
nShort introductions provide guidance on what you should look out for while reading
each case.
nQuestionshelp you to test your understanding of each case, and provide feedback on
what you should have grasped.
nSummariescontextualise each case and point you to further reading so that you are fully
prepared for seminars and discussions.
mylawchamber is regularly maintained and provides the following features:
nSearch tool to help locate specific items of content.
nE-mail results and profile tools to send results of quizzes to instructors.
nOnline help and support to assist with website usage and troubleshooting.
For more information please contact your local Pearson Education sales representative
or visit http://www.pearsoned.co.uk /macintyreessentials.
*Please note that access to Case Navigator is free with the purchase of this book, but you must
register with us for access. Full registration instructions are available on the website. The LexisNexis
element of Case Navigator is only available to those who currently subscribe to LexisNexis
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