
(Steven Felgate) #1
456 Glossary

ECThe European Community. Now known as the
EU or European Union.
Economic lossA loss which is not connected to
injury to the person or damage to property, but
which is purely financial, e.g. lost profits.
Ejusdem generisruleA rule of statutory
interpretation that general words which follow
specific words must be given the same type of
meaning as the specific words.
EmployeeA person who works under a contract of
EmployerPerson who employs an employee under
a contract of employment.
Employment tribunalA court which hears only
employment cases.
Entire contractA contract consisting of one single
obligation. Contrasted with a divisible contract.
Equality and Human Rights CommissionA new
body which will take action against those who
discriminate unlawfully or who breach human
Equality clauseA clause, deemed by the Equality
Act 2010 to be in a woman’s contract of employment,
to the effect that her terms and conditions should be
no less favourable than those of a man doing the
same type of work for the same employer.
EquityThe body of law which originated in the
Court of Chancery. It is contrasted with common
law, which did not originate in this way.
EstoppelA rule that a person who has made a
representation to another cannot deny the truth of
the representation once it has been acted upon.
Ethnic groupA group of people with a shared
history and culture.
EUThe European Union.
European CommissionA permanent EU body
which makes broad EU policies and proposes EU
European Convention on Human RightsA Treaty
setting out human rights. The Treaty was created in
1950 and the United Kingdom ratified it in 1951.
European CouncilA temporary body, made up of
Ministers from EU States, which makes policy on
particular matters.
European Court of Justice (ECJ)The highest
court in relation to matters of EU law. It sits in

European ParliamentThe elected Parliament of the
EU, which approves the EU budget and can veto
some EU legislation.
European UnionA union of 27 States which aims to
enhance political, economic and social co-operation.
It was previously known as the European
Community (EC) and before that as the European
Economic Community (EEC).
Exclusion clauseA term of a contract which
attempts to limit or exclude liability for breach of
the contract.
Executed considerationConsideration which
occurs when one of the parties makes the offer or
the acceptance in such a way that he has completely
fulfilled his liability under the contract.
Executory considerationConsideration which
consists of a promise to do something in the future.
Express actual authorityActual authority of an
agent which is created by express words, written
or spoken.
Expressio unius est exclusio alteriusA rule of
statutory interpretation that if there is a list of
specific words, not followed by any general words,
then the statute applies only to the specific words
Express termA term of a contract which was
agreed by the parties in express words (written or
Extraordinary general meeting (EGM)A meeting
of company members which is not the AGM.
Factor(Also known as a mercantile agent.) An
agent in business to buy or sell goods who can, in
certain circumstances, pass ownership of another
person’s goods even when acting without authority
to do so.
False imprisonmentA tort, committed by directly
and intentionally depriving the claimant of his or
her liberty.
Fair commentA defence to defamation which is
available to a person who acted without malice
when commenting on a matter of public interest.
FiduciaryInvolving great trust or confidence.
FirmA partnership.
First instance (court of )A court which first hears
a case.
Fixed chargeA company charge which mortgages
specific property belonging to the company.

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