
(Steven Felgate) #1
Index 467

companies (continued)
winding up of 321– 4
see alsodirectors of companies;
Registrar of Companies;
Companies Act (1985)
objects clause 297
removal of directors 294 –5
Companies Act (2006) 7, 272–3
and company names 289, 290
constitution of a company 285,
derivative claims 310 –11
and directors’ duties 298 –302
ease of formation and flexibility 273
and limited companies 281
objects clause 296 –7
off the shelf companies 288
and partnership names 340 –1
registration of companies 281– 4
shareholder engagement 272
‘Think Small First’ approach 273
Company Directors Disqualification
Act (1986) 303, 324, 347
company law 7
company names adjudicators 290
company voluntary agreement (CVA)
comparators, and the Equality Act
(2010) 384, 386, 390
agency termination 178
loss of 179
for unfair dismissal 371–2
Compensation Act (2006) 231, 239
‘compensation culture’, and breach of
duty of care 231
Competition Act (1998) 414, 415
competition law 414 –15
Computer Misuse Act (1990) 413 –14
conciliation 449
condition not fulfilled 50 –1
conditional sales 421–2
conditions (terms of contract) 75, 76
breach of 75, 78 – 9, 93, 95
confidence, breach of 435
confidentiality, duty of agency to
protect 173
conflicts of interest
duty to avoid
agency 172
company directors 300
consent of claimant
and nuisance liability 250 –3
Ryland vFletcher rule (tort of strict
liability) 253

consent defence, trespass to the
person 257
consideration 37, 53 – 62
executed 54
executory 54
part payment of a debt 59 – 60
past 54 –5
performing an existing duty 56 – 8
promissory estoppel 60 –2
settling out of court 59
sufficiency and adequacy of 55
constructive dismissal 368, 373
Consumer Credit Act (1974) 67, 420,
cancellation of contracts 149
and hire-purchase 421
Consumer Credit Act (2006) 324 – 8
cancellation rights 426
cooling-off period 428
creditor regarded as agent of the
supplier 427
creditor responsible for dealer’s
misrepresentations and
breaches of contract 427
defining a regulated agreement
423 –5
early settlement 428
formalities to be complied with 426
high net worth debtors and
business exemption 425 – 6
misuse of credit cards 428
repossession of goods 428
unfair relationships 428
consumer credit agreements 67
consumer guarantees 96 –7
Consumer Protection Act (1987)
and negligence liability 240 –5
time limits for tort remedies 268
Consumer Protection (Distance
Selling) Regulations (2000) 41,
statutory cooling-off period 147– 8
Consumer Protection from Unfair
Trading Regulations (2008) 41,
aggressive commercial practices
defences 410 –11
misleading actions 403 –5
misleading omissions 405 – 6
offences created by the Regulations
409 –10
product safety 411–13
prohibitions under the Regulations
structure of the Regulations 402

unfair commercial practices 407–9
definitions of 402–3
additional rights of, Sale of Goods
Act (1979) 94 – 6, 204
statutory cooling-off periods 147–9
and the Unfair Contract Terms Act
(1977) 101– 2
contract price, suing for 154
acceptance 37, 41–51
constitution of a company 286 –7
contracts made before the
company is formed 288 – 9
ultra vires296 –7
consideration given by both parties
37, 53 – 62
contract remedies and tort remedies
contractual liability
discharge of 137– 49
and tort liability 223 – 4, 225
creation and discharge of 137
defining 37
employment 357–9
and wrongful dismissal 366,
372– 5
formalities 66 – 8
illegal 132–3
intention to create legal relations
37, 51–3
made under duress 110, 130 –1
meaningless terms in 46 –7
minors 68
misrepresentations 110, 114 –23
mistakes 110, 123 –30
offers 37– 40
partnerships’ liability in 332–3
privity of 63 – 6
subject to contract 50
terms of 72–109
and tort 223 – 4
undue influence doctrine 131–3
see alsobreach of contract; liability
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)
Act (1999) 65 – 6, 243
contractual capacity of companies 276
contractual duties of agents 170 –1
contributory negligence 236 –7, 253,
contributory nuisance, and nuisance
liability 251
Control of Substances Hazardous to
Health Regulations (2002)
394 –5

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