
(Steven Felgate) #1
468 Index

conversion, and trespass to goods
257– 8
cooling-off period, and consumer
protection 147, 428
copyright 430 –2
acquiring 430
authorship and ownership of 430
duration of 430 –1
remedies for infringement of 423
rights of copyright owners 423, 431
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
(1988) 430 –2
Corporate Manslaughter and
Corporate Homicide Act (2007)
corporate veil 277– 9
correspondence with description of
goods, implied terms of
contract 77, 79 – 81, 89, 90
corruption in public life, contracts
tending to promote 132
Council of the European Communities
voting system 16, 17–18
counter offers 43 – 4
county courts, dispute resolution 438,
Court of Appeal
and judicial precedent 11–12, 13, 14,
15, 439
Lord Justices of Appeal 33
court orders, liquidation of companies
by 321–2
courts of law
and arbitration 446 – 7
hierarchy of 11–12
jurisdiction 438 – 41
and the legal system 7– 8
credit card misuse 428
credit sales 422
credit transactions 419 –29
conditional sales 421–2
Consumer Credit Acts (1974) and
(2006) 423 – 8
credit sales 422
hire and rental agreements 422
hire-purchase agreements 89 –90,
217–19, 420 –1
interest on trade debts 428 –9
loans 419 –20
pledges 422 –3
rights of ownership and statutory
provisions governing 423
creditors of limited companies 275 – 6
crimes, contracts to commit 133
criminal law

Bribery Act (2010) 415 –17
and civil law 26 – 8
competition law 414 –15
Computer Misuse Act (1990)
413 –14
General Product Safety Regulations
(2005) 411–13
infringements of copyright 432
judges in criminal cases 33 – 4
nature of criminal liability 401
strict liability, Consumer Protection
from Unfair Trading
Regulations (2008) 401–15
structure of criminal courts 440 –1
Criminal Law Act (1967), and
self-defence 257
criminal liability of companies 276 –7
criminal records, spent convictions
and employment 391
Crown Court
judges 33
juries 31, 34 –5
and solicitors 32
crystallisation of floating charges
320 –1
customary terms of contract 73 – 4
CVA (company voluntary agreement)

damaged goods, Sale of Goods Act
(1979) 182– 4, 189
for breach of contract 150 – 4, 155
agreed 153 – 4
amount of 151– 2
interest on 154
mitigation 152–3
remoteness of 150 –1
for breach of duty of care 232– 6
for breach of warranty 204
buyer’s right to 203 – 4, 205
for defamation 260
for personal injuries 235 – 6
for private nuisance 249
product liability 242
for public nuisance 252
seller’s right to
for non-acceptance of goods 206,
for refusal to take delivery on
time 206
interest on trade debts 428 –9
part payment of 59 – 60
declaration of interest
company directors

existing transaction/arrangement
proposed transaction/arrangement
300 –1
deeds, contracts made by 67
and consideration 53
defamation 258 – 60
Defamation Act (1996) 259, 260
defective products, liability for 241–2
nuisance liability 250, 252
product liability 242–3
Ryland vFletcher rule (tort of strict
liability) 253
to defamation 259 – 60
to trespass to the person 257
to vicarious liability 267
trespass to land 255
delegated legislation 8
delegation of agency duties 171
deliverable state, goods in a, passing
of ownership of 186 – 8
delivery of goods, seller’s duty to
deliver 195 –9
delivery notes, and acceptance of
contract 41–2
derivative claims 301, 310 –11
description of goods, correspondence
with, implied terms of contract
77, 79 – 81, 89, 90
destroyed goods
damages for conversion 258
Sale of Goods Act (1979) 182– 4,
different people, creating two
contracts 56 –7
direct discrimination 382–3
directors of companies
as agents 296 – 8
holding out 297– 8
appointment and removal of 294 – 5
board of 296, 319
derivative claim 272
directors’ report 316
disqualification of 302–3
duties of 298 –302
acting within powers 298
avoiding conflicts of interest
299 –300
civil consequences of breach of
declarations of interest 300 –1
exercising independent judgment
exercising reasonable care, skill
and diligence 299

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