
(Steven Felgate) #1
Index 469

directors of companies (continued)
not accepting benefits from third
parties 300
promoting the success of the
company 299
protection from liability 301–2
relief from breach of duty 302
transactions requiring approval of
members 301
managing directors 296
powers of 295 – 6
register of 303 – 4
remuneration of 298
and resolutions 308
and ultra virescontracts 297
disability discrimination in
employment 380, 381, 383
discharge of contractual liability
137– 49
by agreement 140 –1
by breach 146 –7
by frustration 141– 6
by performance of the contract
disclosed agency 168
discrimination and employment law
seeEquality Act (2010)
constructive 368, 373
unfair 366 –72
wrongful 366, 372–5
dispute resolution 438 –50
allocation to a track 443 –5
alternative 445 –50
civil procedure 441–50
county courts 438, 441
High Court jurisdiction 439 – 41
offers to settle 444 –5
prosecution for criminal offences
440 –1
tribunals 445
disqualification of company directors
divisible contracts, discharge by
performance 138
Divisional Courts, and judicial
precedent 12, 13
document signed, mistake as to type
of document 130
domestic contexts, agreements made
in 52–3
due diligence defence, Consumer
Protection from Unfair Trading
Regulations (2008) 410 –11
duress, contracts made under 110,
130 –1

of agents 170 – 6
of buyers 195, 200 – 4
of sellers, to deliver 195 –9
duty of care
breach of, foreseeable type of
damage caused by 232– 4
company directors 299
and corporate manslaughter 277
and liability for negligence 225 –9
breaching the duty 229 –32
occupiers 238 – 40

early neutral evaluation 449
economic duress, contracts signed
under 130 –1
economic loss
negligence and duty of care 228 –9
and negligent misstatement 238
Electronic Commerce (EC Directive)
Regulations 48
and the Computer Misuse Act
(1990) 414
offer and acceptance of contract 48
ACAS grievance procedure 365 – 6
competence of fellow employees
obligations of 358 –9
redundancy 368, 372, 375 –7
statutory rights of 359 – 65
transfer of 363
unfair dismissal 366 –72
and vicarious liability
acting in the course of his/her
employment 265 –7
contrasted with independent
contractors 261–7
wrongful dismissal 366, 372–5
see alsoEquality Act (2010); health
and safety; pay
health and safety duties 392–3
obligations of 358 –9
and vicarious liability 261– 8
Employment Appeal Tribunals 445
unfair dismissal 368 –9, 371
wrongful dismissal 373 – 4
employment law 357– 400
ACAS grievance procedure 365 – 6,
369 –70
contract of employment 357–9
itemised pay statements 358
obligations in 358 –9
variation of terms of 359, 360

discrimination 380 – 91
health and safety 391– 8
redundancy 368, 372, 375 –7
statutory rights of employees
unfair dismissal 366 –72
wrongful dismissal 366, 372–5
see alsoEquality Act (2010)
Employment Rights Act (1996) 261
contract of employment 357– 8
flexible working 362–3
redundancy 375
time off for dependants 362
unfair dismissal 367– 8, 386
enemy aliens, companies owned by
enemy nations, contracts to trade with
Enterprise Act (2002) 414, 415
Equal Pay Act (1970) 380
Equality Act (2010) 380 –91
burden of proof under the Act 388
comparators 384, 386, 390
direct discrimination 382–3
discrimination against employees
and applicants for employment
equal pay and conditions for
women 385 – 8
fixed-term workers 390 –1
harassment 384
indirect discrimination 383 – 4
part-time workers 389, 390
persons with criminal records 391
positive action 389
protected characteristics 380 –2
public sector equality duty 388 –9
unfair dismissal 368
victimisation 384 –5
equity and common law 28
ergonomics in the workplace 398
estoppel, sale by a person who is not
the owner 213, 214, 218
ethnic groups, characteristics of 382
European Commission 16, 17, 18
President 18
European Communities Act (1972) 8
European Convention on Human
Rights 24 –5, 435
European Court of Justice (ECJ)
19 –20, 440
advocates-general 19
and the Court of First Instance 19
and EU Directives 21
jurisdiction of 19 –20
and Member States 20

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