
(Steven Felgate) #1
472 Index

LLPs (limited liability partnerships)
loans to 351–2, 419
members and designated members
346 –7
minority protection 347
property 351
publicity 352
and regulated agreements 423
right to manage 349 –50
taxation 353
winding up of 347
withdrawal from 350
loans 419 –20
security for 420
to companies 319 –21, 351–2, 419
fixed charges 319
floating charges 320 –1
priority of charges 321
registration of charges 321
sole traders 351
to LLPs 351–2, 419
to partnerships 351, 419 –20
to sole traders 419 –20
lost goods, Sale of Goods Act (1979)
182– 4

Maastricht Treaty 16
machines, offer and acceptance when
dealing with 47– 8
magistrates’ courts 31, 34
Management of Health and Safety
at Work Regulations (2003)
manslaughter 401
Manual Handling Operations
Regulations (1992) 397
manufactured goods, out of goods
sold, reservation of title 212
marriage, and discrimination in
employment 381, 383
material mistakes 129 –30
maternity cases, direct discrimination
Maternity and Parental Leave
Regulations (1999) 359 – 6
maternity rights 359 – 61
matter of law, terms of contracts
implied as a 74
meaningless terms in contracts 46 –7
measured goods, passing of
ownership 188
Med-arb 449
mediation 448 –9
medium-sized companies 281
abbreviated accounts 317

meetings of companies 305 – 7
AGMs 306 – 7, 308
conduct of 306
general 306
notice of 307
private companies 352
quorums 306
resolutions at 308
voting 306
memorandum of association 282
objects clause 298
old-style 284
mens reus(guilty mind) 401
and consumer protection offences
409 –10
mental disorders, people with, time
limits for tort remedies 268
Mental Health Act (1983) 268
mercantile agency, sale by a person
who is not the owner 213,
214 –15, 218
minimum notice periods, agency
termination 177– 8
minimum wage 383
minor rules of statutory interpretation
minority shareholders 309 –14
protection from the courts 313 –14
and right to manage 349
statutory protection of 310 –13
minors, contracts made by 68
mischief rule of statutory
interpretation 10
Misleading Marketing Regulations
(2008) 402
Misrepresentation Act (1967) 118, 119
misrepresentations 110, 114 –23
and contracts of insurance 117
and credit transactions 427
defining 114 –17
change of circumstance 116
fiduciary relationships 117
misrepresentations made without
words 115
silence 116, 117
statements of fact/opinions
114 –15
statements to induce making of a
contract 115 –16
exclusion of liability for 103, 104
passing off 435
remedies for actionable
misrepresentations 117–23
misstatement, negligent 237– 8
mistake 110, 123 –30
common mistake 123 – 6

passing of risk for specific goods
unilateral mistake 124, 126 –30
of damages
for breach of contract 152–3
for breach of duty of care 236
private nuisance liability 249
motor vehicles on hire-purchase,
selling 217–19
multi-track claims 444
multiple causes, in negligence liability,
breach of duty of care 232– 4
musical works, copyright of 430, 431

names of companies 289 – 91
change of name 290
objections to 290
partnership names 340 –1
prohibited names 289
publication of name and address
national minimum wage 381, 383
National Minimum Wage Act (1998)
363, 365
necessity, agency of 165, 166
negligence 225 – 46
breach of duty of care 229 –32
Consumer Protection Act (1987)
240 –5
defences to 236 –7
duty of care owed 225 –9
exclusion of liability arising from
100 –1, 104, 237
and health and safety 393 – 4
liability for negligent misstatement
237– 8
negligent misrepresentation 118 –19
occupiers’ liability 238 – 40
and vicarious liability 265, 267– 8
neutral fact finding 449
night workers 364
no agreement made, unilateral
mistake meaning 126
no authority of agent 166
non-acceptance of goods, seller’s right
to damages for 206, 207
non-delivery of goods, buyer’s right to
damages for 203 – 4
non-voting shares 305
Norman Conquest 29
nuisance 223, 247–53
private 247–51
public 251–3
Rylands vFletcher and trespass to
land 255 – 6

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