Portrait Photography

(Darren Dugan) #1

filllight Another lightsourceusedtopushsome extra
lighting into the shadow areas of an image. It is most
commonly foundontheoppositeside ofthemain(key)
light and ata lower power,so asnot to lose theshape
created but just to lessen shadows and contrast.

filter Asmalldisc ofglass placedon thefrontof the
of these effects in post production.

fish-eye lens An extremely wide-angled lens with a
massive angle of view, which creates a strong graphic
interpretation of the scene rather than an accurate
image, a truefish eye, and will havea focal length of
8–10mm; slightly less wide are the full-frame fish-eye
lenses that range from 10mm to 15mm.

fixedfocuslens(primelens) Alenswithoutanyfocal

flat Describes an image that lacks contrast and definition.

focusingspot(inthestudio) Alightingmodifierwhich
be used for gobos and slides to create other lighting effects.

formatting Preparing a memory card for reuse by
deleting all the information stored on it.

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