headroom The spacebetweenthetop of thesubject’s
head and the top edge of the image.
highlight The lightest part of an image.
high-key Astudioset-upwherethesubjectislitevenly
and with little contrast between light and shadow.
highresolution Referringto alargedigitalfile,which
contains more image detail.
hotshoe MechanismfoundonthetopofthedigitalSLR
top, or for a shutter sync to fire a studio flash.
histogram Agraph found onthe backof thecamera,
useful for the photographer while shooting.
imagesensor Thepartofacamerathatcapturesthelight
information and translates this into electronic data.
interpolation Thecomputationofunknowndatathatlie
upsizing image files in pixel editing software.
inversesquarelaw Lawexplaininghowalightsource
loses power over distance.
ISO The sensitivity ofthepixels, withinthecamera’s
chip, in capturing and recording light: the higher the
sensitivity, the lower the ISO number and the
and more noise that will be seen in the image.