Religious Studies: The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides)

(Nandana) #1

of economic roles that results in the fragmentation of home life. Social
differentiation grows in concert with economic growth of industrializa-
tion and specialization as socio-economic classes become more separate.
Workers are often distinguished into white collar and blue collar types of
employment. As a consequence of economic progress, mass education
becomes a necessity for an expanding work force and new types of jobs,
which contributes to the spread of literacy and more independent modes
of thinking. This scenario makes people less willing to blindly accept
beliefs and follow religious leaders.
The emphasis on individualism creates an autonomous status for the
person and enhances the importance of the individual over the commu-
nity, which along with social differentiation tends to subvert small com-
munities. Individualization tends to make religion something private, a
matter of choice, which lacks a binding quality and results in religion
becoming public rhetoric and private virtue. Differentiation makes one
aware that there are different peoples, cultures, and religions, which
tends to reduce the plausibility for an all-encompassing religious system.
Within a pluralistic context, a person recognizes that their religion is not
unique, which gives rise to questions and doubts, makes one’s allegiance
to a religion voluntary, and encourages a person to chose among compet-
ing religions based on personal preference. Within particular religions,
disagreements for a wide variety of reasons give rise to schisms and new
sects, which increases the competing choices for a person. This pluralis-
tic situation demands ecumenicity and the necessity to collaborate.
Societalization refers to the organization of life by the nation state,
which replaces the role of religion in such an endeavor. This results with
the larger society becoming the focus of the individual rather than the
smaller religious community. If the nation state assumes the previous role
of religion, it becomes the force that legitimates the world.
The diversity of religious cultures suggests relativism, which can result
in a conviction that there is no single truth. With many religions espous-
ing paths to salvation, the need for the transmission of orthodoxy is
undermined. Diversity of, and relativism among, religions calls for toler-
ance to ensure social harmony, but it also subverts the certainty prom-
ised by religion. In America, religious freedom and diversity involve the
separation of church and state.
Modernization and technology disrupt communal bonds, traditional
employment patterns, and social status, and they give a person a sense of
increased power. Their promise is so strong that they reduce the need for
a person to turn to religion for answers to the problems of life. There is
no need to depend on religion because contingency is reduced and cer-
tainty heightened by relying on modern technology. Personal faith is

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