Religious Studies: The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides)

(Nandana) #1

Gill, Sam (1994) “The Academic Study of Religion.” Journal of the
American Academy of Religion LXII/4: 865–975.
Girard, Rene (1989) Violence and the Sacred. Trans. by Patrick Gregory.
Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Girardot, N. J., Miller, James, and Xiaogan, Liu (2001) (eds.) Daoism
and Ecology: Ways within a Cosmic Landscape. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
Glucklich, Ariel (1997) The End of Magic. New York: Oxford University
Glucklich, Ariel (2001) Sacred Pain: Hurting the Body for the Sake of the
Soul. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gluckman, Max (1965) Politics, Law, and Ritual in Tribal Society.
Chicago, IL: Aldine.
Godelier, Maurice (1999) The Enigma of the Gift. Chicago, IL: University
of Chicago Press.
Gold, Ann Grodzins (1988) Fruitful Journeys: The Ways of Rajasthani
Pilgrims. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Gonda, Jan (1969) Eye and Gaze in the Veda. Amsterdam: North
Goodman, Felicitas (1988) Ecstasy, Ritual, and Alternate Reality.
Bloomington, IN: University of Indiana Press.
Gosva-min, Ru-pa (2003) The Bhaktirasāmr.tasindhu of Ru-pa Gosvāmin.
Trans. by David Haberman. New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre
for the Arts and Motilal Banarsidass.
Gottlieb, Roger S. (1996) (ed.) The Sacred Earth: Religion, Nature,
Environment. New York: Routledge.
Graber, David (2001) Toward an Anthropology of Value: The False Coin
of our own Dreams. New York: Palgrave.
Grant, Robert (2004) Augustus to Constantine. Louisville, KY:
Westminster John Knox.
Gregory, Brad S. (1999) Salvation at Stake: Christian Martyrdom in
Early Modern Europe. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Griaule, Marcel ((1965) Conversations with Ogotemméli: An Introduction
to Dogon Religious Ideas. London: Oxford University Press.
Griffths, John Gwyn (1991) The Divine Verdict: A Study of Divine
Judgment in the Ancient Religions. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Grimes, Ronald L. (1990) Ritual Criticism: Case Studies in Its Practice,
Essays on Its Theory. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina
Gulik, R. H. van (1961) Sexual Life in Ancient China. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Hallowell, A. Irving (1975) “Ojibwa Ontology, Behavior, and World-
View.” In Teachings from the American Earth: Indian Experience and

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