Religious Studies: The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides)

(Nandana) #1


ijmā 126
Ikkyū Sōjun 132
illness 105
images 11, 112–113
imān 29
immolation 216–217
‘implied spider’ 161
impurity 39
incarnation 114
incorporation: rites of 69–70
individualism 226
Indra 45, 70, 73
industrialization 225–226
ineffability 152–153
infinity 167
Inipi 216
initiation rites 65, 205, 212–213
Innocent III, Pope 132
innovation 110
intentionality 7, 84, 246
internalization 235
Inti 244
intrusive illness 233
intuition 198
invocation–immolation 216–217
Inyan 241
Irenaeus 46, 107
Irnerius 126
Iroquois 32, 98–99, 141, 186, 234
Isaac 87
Isaiah, book of 123
Islamic law 125–126
Isles of the Blessed 118
Isma’il 174
Israfil 124–125

Jainism 34, 43, 48, 109–110, 244,
James, William 6, 152–153, 193
Jātaka tales 44, 138
Jayadeva 80
Jefferson, Thomas 14
Jeremiah 118, 192
Jesuits 144

Jesus Christ: crucifixion 130; death
67–68; ‘Good news’ of 221;
incarnation 114; as Messiah
123; parables 123; prayer
189; resurrection 67; suffering
243, 247
jewels of the Buddha 52
jijian 232
jīva 229
jīvanmukti 127
Joachim of Fiore 129
Job 170, 243
Jōdo Shinshu 88
John the Baptist 123, 189
John, Gospel of 124, 129
Johnson, Mark 41, 139
judgment 21, 117–118, 122–123, 125
Julian of norwich 257
Jung, Carl 7, 160, 194
justice 130, 195
justification by faith 102

Ka’ba 174
Kabbalists 136
Kaguru 170
kalam 250
Kālī 38, 70, 98, 178, 257
kali yuga 82–83
kāma 130
Kamasūtra 112
kami 186
Kant, Immanuel 13, 198
karma 57, 234
karmic life 254
Kaśyapa 223
kathenotheism 109
Keynes, John Maynard 79
Khārijites 250–251
Kheprer 244
Kierkegaard, Søren 87, 114, 227–228
Kikkuyu 140
Kimbangu, Simon 141
Kingdom of God 123, 143
kingship 119–120
Kituvim 221
Kluckhohn, Clive 207
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