Religious Studies: The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides)

(Nandana) #1

knowledge 120–121, 198, 220, 229;
and power 187; saving 71;
secret 75
kōans 200
koinōnia 53
Koresh, david 224
kratophany 213
Krishna 99, 100; and Arjuna 129;
and demons 70; devotion to
80–81, 247; incarnation 114;
play 177; and Rādhā 80
kuei 70
Kultur 62
Kung 106

Lajja 74
Lakoff, George 41, 139
Lakshmī 89
Laksmana 129
landscapes 135–136
Lang, Andrew 3–4
language 121–122, 172, 256
last things 122–125
law 125–127
Laws of Manu 111–112, 130
Lebe 58, 191
Leeuw, Gerardus van der 186–187,
Legge, James 15
lesbianism 111, 112, 232
Lévi-Strauss, Claude 90, 159–160,
Levinas, emmanuel 41, 167
Leviticus, book of 232
Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien 4, 54, 134, 159,
Lewis, Gilbert 240
Lewis, I. M. 183
liberalism 249
liberation 27, 51, 83, 127–128,
230–231; with bodies 39, 42
liberation theology 250
līlā 177
liminality 128–129, 173, 206
‘Little Apocalypse’ 118, 123
Lo dagaa 25

Logos 46, 103
Lombard, Peter 210
Lombard towns 126
Lot 111, 232
Lotus Sūtra 263–264
love 129–131
Lovedu 25
Lugbara 65
Luke, Gospel of 118, 124
Luther, Martin 43, 86–87, 102
Lyotard, Jean-François 121, 200

Ma’at 75, 102, 118
McCauley, Robert 11
McGinn, Bernard 154
MacIntyre, Alistair 162
Madhyamika school 147
madness 131–133
magic 3, 54, 133–135; contagious
135; homeopathic 134–135;
religion vs. 5, 158
Magog 124
Mahābhārata 222
Mahānubbāva sect 131
Mahāsamgikas 166
Mahāyāna Buddhism 114, 120,
147–148, 201, 223
Maimonides 110
Maitri Upanishad 136
Malinowski, Bronislav K. 5, 134
Malthus, Thomas 78
mandala 29
manitos 241
mantras 190, 223
mappo 83
Māra 69, 70, 83
Marduk 183
Marion, Jean-Luc 16, 114
marriage 212–213
martyrdom 34, 135, 211, 218
martyrs: cult of 203
Marx, Karl 36, 78, 159
mast 92
master of animals 240
masturbation 231
Masuzawa, Tamoko 62
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