80 The Quantum Structure of Space and Time
by contrast to the roots that entered the checks [l, 81 which were all “real” with
(a,a) = +2), and M-theory one-loop corrections to SUGRA11, notably the terms
quartic in the curvature tensor. This finding suggests new ways of testing the
conjecture by looking at the structure of higher loop terms. [See also [lo] for a
different approach to the possible role of the imaginary roots of Elo.1
Two recent studies of the fermionic sector of SUGRAll have also found a nice
compatibility between SUGRAll and the extension of the (bosonic) massless parti-
cle action (1) to an action describing the (supersymmetric) dynamics of a massless
spinning particle on Elo/K(Elo) [ll, 121. In this extension K(E1o) plays the role
of a generalized ‘R symmetry’.
Much work, and probably new tools, are needed to establish the conjectured
correspondence between SUGRA11, or hopefully M-theory, and the dynamics of a
(quantum) massless spinning particle on the coset space Elo/K(Elo). It is, however,
interesting to speculate that, as one approaches a cosmological singularity, space ‘de-
emerges’ in the sense that the ll-dimensional description of SUGRAll/M-theory
gets replaced (roughly when the curvature exceeds the - 11-dimensional- Planck
scale) by a 1-dimensional Elo/K(Elo) coset model (where the only remaining di-
mension is timelike).
Acknowledgments: It is a pleasure to thank my dear friends and collaborators
Marc Henneaux and Hermann Nicolai for exciting interactions over several years.
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