The Quantum Structure of Space and Time (293 pages)

(Marcin) #1
Mathematical Structures 109

through the formalism of D-branes [22] these can be analyzed exactly in string
perturbation theory. D-branes give contribution that are of order

and therefore complement the asymptotic string perturbation series.
Gauge theory. These D-branes are described by non-abelian gauge theories and
therefore by definition non-commutative structures. This suggests that an al-
ternative formulation of string theory makes use of non-commutative variables.
These gauge-gravity dualities are the driving force of all recent progress in string
theory [23].
Extra dimensions. As we stressed, the full quantum amplitudes F depend on
many parameters or moduli. Apart from the string coupling gs all other moduli
have a geometric interpretation, in terms of the metric and B-field on X. The
second new ingredient is the insight that string theory on X with string coupling
gs can be given a fully geometric realization in terms of a new theory called
M-theory on the manifold X x S1, where the length of the circle S1 is gs [24].

Summarizing, the moduli space of string theory solutions has a structure that

in many aspects resembles the structures that described moduli of CFT’s. In this
case there are S-dualities that relate various perturbative regimes.

I ..
self-dual theories

1 Pert. String Theory

Dual Pert. String Theory
S-Dualities: g, e 1/g,

The moduli space of string theory vacua.

The way in which quantum geometry can emerge from a non-perturbative comple-

tion of a perturbative string theory can be nicely illustrated by a topological string


Topological strings and quantum crystals
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