162 The Quantum Structure of Space and Time
how good any classical limit is and which classical limit applies in any given
computation. That would be useful for many people.
P. Ramond I do not know about being useful. First a remark about landscape.
I just saw in a museum of ancient art Hieronymous Bosch’s temptation of Saint
Anthony, let me not say more.
The second thing is about some no-go theorems that we should be aware of.
There are no-go theorems about massless particles of spin higher than two. If
they are taken one at a time, there is no doubt that the no go-theorems apply.
If there are an infinite amount, it is an open question. Moreover, there are
mathematical structures based on the coset F4/SO(9), which is of great mathe-
matical interest actually, that basically contain the fields of N = 1 supergravity
in eleven dimension as its lowest level. One should not think this is completely
about things that are known. This presents great difficulties, but one should
keep an open mind and try to look at these things without giving up.
J. Harvey I think of the areas of mathematics that have been discussed here,
the one that to me seems to have some of the strongest hints, but the least
understood, is the general question of Elo, Borcherds algebras, generalized Kac-
Moody algebras. In Nicolai’s talk, to the degree I understood it, there definitely
seems to be some structure going on, where El0 is reflected in eleven dimensional
supergravity. But when he was talking about higher level in the landscape of
these representations, I think it was about one in a billion that actually fit into
the structure that we know so far, and we don’t know what the rest of these are
doing. In calculations I did with Greg Moore number of years ago, we found
denominator formulas for Borcherds algebras coming out of definite one-loop
string integrals. We tried to give an algebraic explanation of this but we failed.
I do not think that these things can be coincidences. I think there is a very
general algebraic structure which will allow us to have much greater control
over some supersymmetric theories. I do not think it will solve the real world
problem of what we do without supersymmetry or time evolution. But it seems
to me to be an example of not drilling where the board is thinnest, but where
it is thin enough that we might actually get through it.