Emergent Spacetime 183
Fig. 5.1
Lattice of Overlapping Diamonds Defines Space-Time.
A Sequence of Causal Diamonds in a Big Bang Space-time Defines an Observer. A
The particle horizon condition guarantees that a certain set of degrees of free-
dom will interact only among themselves before a given fixed time. It makes the
apparent increase of spatial volume with cosmological time, compatible with quan-
tum unitarity and a Planck scale cutoff. In fact, the discretization of time implicit
in this formalism is not a simple cut-off. Subsequent Hilbert spaces in the sequence
have dimension increasing by a fixed factor, which we will specify below. This
implies a fixed area cutoff in space-time, which generically corresponds to a time
cut-off which goes to zero with the size of causal diamonds.
To model an entire space-time we need a collection of time-like observers, with
overlapping causal diamonds. We introduce a spatial lattice, which defines the
topology of the non-compact dimensions of space on the initial time-slice3. This
topology is conserved in time, and for the moment we will take it to be that of flat
3The compact dimensions will be dealt with in a completely different manner below.