Emergent Spacetime 213
approximation, it’s the same theory. And one simple example is for example
the c = 1 matrix model, where you discretize this one dimension, you can just
show that for a lattice spacing small enough, you get exactly equivalent theory
to a continuous dimension. So I think that’s a relevant picture for locality.
J. Harvey I think we’re probably a few minutes over and should wrap this up. So
I think...
M. Douglas I had a very short postscript to Steve Weinberg-it’s short. So, we
used to be very confident that there would not be non-trivial quantum field
theories in greater than four dimensions and now we believe there are non-
trivial fixed point theories with lots of supersymmetry in six. So similarly,
maybe the idea that gravity stops at two in quantum field theory will go up to
S. Weinberg Thank you, Mike.
J. Harvey Alright, on that-on that point we’ll wrap things up. I guess lunch is
in the usual place and the picture is at 1:15, is that correct?