16 TOPCAR.CO.ZA|January 2016
INSIDER.IncomingNissan saysweshouldnât assumethe IDS previewsMk2 Leafstyling,but who are theykidding?Thisall-carbonelectric concept isa statementofthe companyâsthinkingabout autonomousdrivingtech, which it remains committedtointroducingby 2020. TheâIntelligent Driveâfeaturesincludefull âpiloted drivingâcapabilityâ inwhich the steering wheelretractsinto the dashâ and``````the optiontopark it via iPad.Somewhatalarmingly, itâsproposedthe autonomousmode will mimic the ownerâsdriving style,rather than proceedin the mostlogical and orderlyfashion, but sensorsandLEDsaroundthe car aimtosignalreassurancetocyclistsandpedestrians.Skinnytyres andaerooptimisation maximisedriving range.``````Itâs noOX 99 -11 but this isa prettyboldstatementfromYamaha. Followingonfrom 20 13âs Motivcitycarconcept,the Japanesemotorbike maker hasonceagain teamed upwith GordonMurray toshowa four-wheelerbasedon the erstwhile F1designmaestroâs âiStreamâ manufacturingprocess.This time itâs a low-slungsports car and the bones ofthe``````project are built fromcarbonfibre
- afirst for iStream âin anefforttoconvincethe world that the wonderweave canbecost-effectiveaswellassuperlight. Thereâs atantalisingsuggestion the SportsRidecould bepowered bya Yamaha bike engineforhigh-rev thrills, but atthis stage itâsall justwishful thinking. Productionnot confirmed.TheQX 30 is a sister cartothe recentlylaunched Q30 hatchback. Itâs built uponthe same MercedesA Class-derivedplatform with amixof Renault-Nissanand Mercpowerplants on the enginelist. Theground clearanceis greater,naturally, andmanyvariantswill beoffered with four-wheeldrive.``````Itâs a higher-riding,butched-upkindofBeetle. VWsaysitâs inspiredbyâ70sdune buggies, although withitstea-trayrearspoiler, widertrack andwheelarchextensionswewonderif the design team might havepinned a911 Turbo pictureortwo totheir 1970s moodboardaswell.``````Mazdahas chuckedout aloadofbulkfrom thealready-flyweight convertiblebysomeprettyextreme changes,wrought with the help ofthe tuningfraternity. Itâs about asbasic asa moderncar canbe, with the stripped-backvintage design providing abeautiful facadetocomplement thevehicleâsalready good handling ability. Thelow-slung MX-5Speedster featurescarbonfibre doors andseats, small 16in rimsandeven drops the windscreenandhoodaltogether, weighing in ata feathery 94 3kg.Itâs still powered bytheregular 2.0-litre four-cylinder engineâmeaning118kWand 20 0Nm,but Mazdahas not issued any acceleration figures yet.
Itâs a vastfour-door saloon withcoupe-ishstyling anda hydrogenfuel-cellpowertrain. Visually, itgives usa good ideawhatthe nextLSflagshipis going tolook like;technically itmight bea bit morefar-fetched âthoughToyotahas justput the hydrogen-powered Mirai onsale in theUK,soit has the capability.Keydesign featuresincludea grillebig enoughfor barbecuing smallanimals, muscularhaunches andtaillightsthat look like giantboomerangshavinganorgy. Thespacious four-seater interior includes gesturecontrol, which should bea given sincethe BMW 7Seriesalready offersit. In-wheel motorsatthe frontandconventionally motor-drivenrearscreate torquevectoring 4wd.
Nissan IDS ConceptYamaha Spor ts Ride ConceptInfiniti QX30 VW BeetleDuneMazda MX-5SpeesterLexus LF-LC Flagship ConceptThecarsthatrevvedusupthis month
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)