Publics, Politics and Participation

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42.., selected parts from the document of Sabra and Shatila, September E.g
1982, in al-Safir, 8, 9, 10 and 12 May 2003.
43.aleh Khalili, “Places of Memory and Mourning: Palestinian L
Commemoration in the Refugee Camps of Lebanon,” Comparative Studies
of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 1 (2005): 42–43.

  1. Elias Khoury, Bab al-Shams [Gate of the Sun] (Beirut: Dar al-‘Arab, 1998).
    45.e book is banned in Lebanon but widely read on the Internet at http:// Th
    46.Rihla fi Nufus Milishiyyin Sabiqin 3/3” [A Journey through the Souls of “
    Former Militiamen], al-Nahar, 13 February 1998. Robert Hatem, S From Israel to Damascus: The Painful Road of Blood,
    Betrayal and Deception (La Mesa, CA: Pride International Publications,
    1999), chapter 5,
    48.Musa‘id Hubayqa al-Sabiq Yakshif Millafat min Harb al-Lubnaniyya” “
    [Hubayqa’s Former Aide Reveals Files from the Lebanese War], interview
    by Hazim al-Amin, al-Hayat, 14, 15 and 16 February 2002, parts 1–3.

  2. Muruwa, Karim Muruwa Remembers, chapter 14.
    50.ll the quotes in the following are taken from “Rihla fi Nufus Milishiyin A
    Sabiqin” [A Journey through the Souls of Former Militiamen], al-Nahar, 11
    and 12 February 1998, unless otherwise stated.
    51.ndrew Shryock, ed., A Off Stage/On Display: Intimacy and Ethnography in
    the Age of Public Culture (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2004).
    52.Muqatilan ‘Sabiqan’ Yasta‘idan Harb al-Madi bi-wa‘i al-hadir” “ [Two
    ‘Former’ Militiamen Recall the War of Yesterday with the Consciousness of
    the Present], al-Safir, 15 April 2004.
    53.Muqatilan ‘Sabiqan’ Yastaidan Harb al-Madi bi-wa‘i al-hadir” [Two “
    ‘Former’ Militiamen Recall the War of Yesterday with the Consciousness of
    the Present], al-Safir, 14 April 2004.
    54.arius Reinkowski, “National Identity in Lebanon Since 1990,” M Orient 38
    (1997): 493; Hanf, Coexistence in Wartime Lebanon.
    55.enedict R. Anderson, B Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin
    and Spread of Nationalism, rev. ed. (London: Verso, 1991).

  3. Haugbolle, “Spatial Transformations.”
    57.ichael Hudson, “The Problem of Authoritative Power in Lebanese M
    Politics: Why Consociationalism Failed,” in Lebanon: A History of
    Conflict and Consensus, edited by N. Shahade (London: I.B. Tauris, 1988);

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