Publics, Politics and Participation

(Wang) #1
Keshavarzian 231

16.urt H. Wolff, ed., K The Sociology of Simmel (New York: The Free Press,
1950), 330–331.

  1. Wolff, Sociology of Simmel, 312–314.

  2. Wolff, Sociology of Simmel, 334–335.

  3. Seger, Teheran.
    20.thār, Ā no. 2–4 (1359): 22, 25; Misagh Parsa, Social Origins of the Iranian
    Revolution (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1989), 92.
    21.eertz, “Suq: The Bazaar Economy in Sefrou”; see also Fanselow, “The G
    Bazaar Economy or How Bizarre is the Bazaar Really?”

  4. Hooman Aryan, “Analysis and Future Proposal for Bazaar of Tehran, Iran,”
    MA thesis, architecture, Iowa State University, 1979, 44.
    23.oy Mottahedeh and Kristen Stilt, “Public and Private as Viewed through R
    the Work of the Muhasib,” Social Research 70, no. 3 (Fall 2003): 735–738.
    24.sef Bayat, A Street Politics: Poor People’s Movements in Iran (New York:
    Columbia University Press, 1997), 15–19.
    25.ichael Taylor, M Community, Anarchy, and Liberty (Cambridge, UK:
    Cambridge University Press, 1982); Michael Taylor, “Good Government:
    On Hierarchy, Social Capital, and the Limitations of Rational Choice
    Theory,” Journal of Political Philosophy 4 (1996): 1–28; Arendt, Human
    Condition, 182–184.
    26.ane Jacobs, J The Death and Life of Great American Cities (New York:
    Random House, 1993 [1961]).
    27.ustav Thaiss, “Religious Symbolism and Social Change: The Drama G
    Husain,” PhD dissertation, Washington University, 1973, 20.
    28.nother important spatial distinction is between the bazaar and the A
    maydan, or the produce market. Commercial institutions and practices and
    cultural organization are quite different in these spaces due to differences in
    commodity type. In Tehran, bazaaris distinguish themselves from meydānῑ.
    29.aiss, “Religious Symbolism and Social Change: The Drama Husain,” 24–25. Th
    30.avid Harvey, D The Conditions of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origin
    of Social Change (Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell, 1989), 35. in effect, these and other policies did not result in impoverishing Y
    bazaaris. See Djavad Salehi-Isfahani, “The Political Economy of the Credit
    Subsidy in Iran, 1973–1978,” International Journal of Middle East Studies
    21 (1989): 359–379; and Maryam Ghadessi, “An Integrative Approach
    to Finance in Developing Countries: Case of Iran,” PhD dissertation,
    University of Utah, 1996.

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