Publics, Politics and Participation

(Wang) #1

232 Between Private and Public

32.aiss, “Religious Symbolism and Social Change: The Drama Husain,” 25. Th
33.hmad Ashraf, “Nezām-e Senfῑ va Jāme’eh-ye Madanῑ,” A Irannameh 14
(Winter 1374). See Akbar Ladjevardian, interview by Habib Ladjevardi,
tape recording no. 1, Houston, Texas, 11 October 1982, Iranian Oral
History Collection, Harvard University; Ghassem Ladjevardi, interview
by Habib Ladjevardi, tape recording no. 1, Los Angeles, California, 29
January 1983, Iranian Oral History Collection, Harvard University; and
Mehdi Motameni, interview by Habib Ladjevardi, tape recordings no. 1–2,
St. Martin, Netherlands, 30 April 1986, Iranian Oral History Collection,
Harvard University.
34.the primacy of Tehran, see Ebrahim Razzaqi, On Āshnā’ῑ bā Eqtesād-e
Irān (Tehran: Nashr-e Nay, 1376 [1997]), 55; Ali Asghar Mousavi ‘Abadi,
Shahrdārān-e Tehrān az ‘Asr-e Nāserῑ tā dawlat-e Khātamῑ (Qom: Nashr-e
Khorram, 1378 [1999]), 105. On similar processes in Europe and the
United States, see Geoffrey Crossick and Heiz-Gerhard Haupt, The Petite
Bourgeoisie in Europe 1780–1914 (London: Routledge, 1995); and Paul
Krugman, “History and Industry Location: The Case of the Manufacturing
Belt,” The American Economic Review 81 (May 1991): 80–83.
35.ancy Fraser, “Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the N
Critique of Actually Existing Democracy,” Social Text 25/26 (1990): 56–80.

  1. Nancy Fraser, “Rethinking the Public Sphere,” 61.

  2. Keshavarzian, Bazaar and State in Iran, chapter 6.

  3. William H. Sewell, “Space in Contentious Politics,” in Ronald R. Aminzade
    et al., Silence and Voice in the Study of Contentious Politics (Cambridge, UK:
    Cambridge University Press, 2001).
    39.bol Ghassem Lebaschi, interview by Habib Ladjevardi, tape recording A
    no. 1, Paris, France, 28 February 1983, Iranian Oral History Collection,
    Harvard University, 9.
    40.ina Jabari, M Hamῑsheh Bāzār (Tehran: Agah, 1379), 136–137; and New
    York Times, 9 and 11 October 1953.
    41.ebaschi, tape recording no. 1, 20; and L New York Times, 15 November 1953.
    42.ehdi Bazargan, M Enqelāb–e Irān dar dow h.arekat (Tehran, 1363 [1984]), 45.
    43.isagh Parsa, ‘‘Conflict and Collective Action in the Iranian Revolution: M
    A Quantitative Analysis,’’ Journal of Iranian Research and Analysis 20
    (November 2004), 39–57.
    44.dward G. Browne, E The Persian Revolution of 1905–1909 (London: Frank
    Cass, 1966), 112–123.

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