Publics, Politics and Participation

(Wang) #1
Keshavarzian 233

45.hmad Ashraf and Ali Banuazizi, “The State, Classes and Modes of A
Mobilization in the Iranian Revolution,” State, Culture & Society 1 (Spring
1985): 25.

  1. Lebaschi, tape recording no. 3, 5–6.
    47.avoud Ghandchi-Tehrani, “ D Bazaaris and Clergy: Socioeconomic Origins
    of Radicalism and Revolution in Iran,” PhD dissertation, City University of
    New York, 1982, 103. Several informants also mentioned that the SAVAK
    had difficulty penetrating the bazaar.

  2. Lebaschi, tape recording no. 2, 19.

  3. New York Times, 2 February 1979.
    50.avid Harvey, D The Conditions of Postmodernity; Waleed Hazbun,
    “Globalization, Reterritorialization and the Political Economy of the
    Tourism Development in the Middle East,” Geopolitics 9, no. 2 (Summer
    2004): 310–341.
    51.l Asghar Mousavi ‘Abbadi, A Shahrdārān-e Tehrān az ‘Asr-e Nāserῑ tā
    dowlat-e Khātamῑ (Qom: Nashr-e Khorram, 1378), 105.
    52.s move has an added advantage for merchants since they pay far lower Thi
    rents and insurance premiums; some also suggested that it is easier to avoid
    tax collectors when they are on the periphery of the city.

  4. Asnāf year 9, Special Issue (Esfand 1379 [February-March 2001]): 21.
    54.‘zam Khatam, “Bāzār va Markaziyyat-e Shahr,” A Goft-o-Gu 41 (Bahman
    1383): 127–141.
    55.Shebeh Qāchāq,” “ Eqtesād-e Irān 360 (Bahman 1380 [January-February
    2002]): 12. On migration to Bandar Abbas, see Bernard Hourcade, Hubert
    Mazurek, Mohammad-Hosseyn Papoli-Yazdi and Mahmoud Taleghani,
    Atlas d’Iran (Montpellier and Paris: RECLUS-La Documentation Française,
    1998), 52.
    56.onyān B , 25 (Bahman 1380 [15 February 2001]). This phenomenon was
    described by my interviewees too. Parsa and Ramin Keivani, “The Hormuz Corridor: Building a Cross- A
    border Region between Iran and the UAE,” in Global Networks, Linked
    Cities, edited by Saskia Sassen (London: Routledge, 2002), 194.
    58.ark S. Granovetter, “The Strength of Weak Ties,” M American Journal of
    Sociology 78 (May 1973): 1360–1380.

  5. Ali Al-e Dawud, Encyclopaedia Iranica, s.v. “Coffeehouse,” 4.
    60.bdolmohammad Kazemipur and Ali Rezaei, “Religious Life under A
    Theocracy: The case of Iran,” Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion 42

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